Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Going to the asian food store

I have a favorite one down in Orlando where I will get my month's supply of kimchee and curry (tyler's fave). I'll stop at Albertsons on the way back and pick up some Lean Cuisines which are on sale 6 for $10. I love their cabbage roll dinner. I lost 20 lbs eating them during my last days at work, and hope to lose even more.

I spent 1.5 hours on the elliptical today and I need a shower before I go. See you all later!


Sunny said...

You have a Albertson's up there?! Publix bought out all of ours don here.
Yummy, Lean Cusine meals are good!

Have fun today, before it gets way cold!

C'ya later!

Hugs, Judy

Carola said...

Yes, there are still Albertsons here. Some of them were turned into Publix, but there's a Publix directly across the street from this one. They have great sales on Lean Cuisines.